
Keep Track of All Recent Snippets

Opened this issue · 4 comments

lnxpy commented

A simple implementation using SQLite to store all created pastes for users. (Storing in users' directory)

Hi @lnxpy, Can i be assigned to this ?
This can be done easier with pickle without the hassle of writing SQL queries.
What do you think ?

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli Hi. We can do way better than pickle. Read here.

@lnxpy, This is good too, but pickle is python's standard library and using it is very easier and more readable,
And I can't get a grip on what you're suggesting to use based on the link you gave me, Can you elaborate a little more ?

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli You should use a config file in ~ of each user who has installed the package. I think I need to do it myself. I'll ask for helps if needed. :)