
Support all filters available in the new json search api

colonelpanic8 opened this issue · 0 comments

@dubiousjim started work on this #68, but that branch needs to be cleaned up quite a bit

Available filters:

  • order_by
  • gentation
  • gender_tags
  • orientation_tags
  • age_recip
  • answers
  • availability
  • children
  • drinking
  • drugs
  • education
  • ethnicity
  • gender_tags
  • gentation
  • i_want
  • interest_ids
  • languages
  • last_login
  • limit
  • located_anywhere
  • location
  • locid
  • looking_for
  • lquery
  • maximum_age
  • maximum_height
  • minimum_age
  • minimum_height
  • monogamy
  • order_by
  • orientation_tags
  • radius
  • religion
  • smoking
  • speaks_my_language
  • tagOrder
  • they_want