
Live editing broken in docs

Opened this issue · 16 comments

As title mentions, none of the live examples allow editing.

Weird—for some reason I can edit them just fine in Firefox, but it doesn't work in Chrome

This is what the inspector looks like in Chrome:

Screenshot of a color.js documentation page in Chrome

And this is what it looks like in Firefox (ignore the data-dashlane-* properties):

Screenshot of the same documentation page in Firefox

There seems to be a <textarea> that's completely missing in Chrome, and Chrome has individual <span>s for every token. Not really sure what might be causing that.

After checking again, it looks like it actually seemingly randomly goes back and forth between working and not working after refreshes (on Firefox).

I don't know their document system well enough to debug. If it had been a clear issue originating from the color library, I would have spent more time looking at it. I saw some cross origin complaints and a shadow root complaint:

prism-live.js?load=javascript:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier './prism-live.mjs'. The base URL is about:blank because import() is called from a CORS-cross-origin script.
    at prism-live.js?load=javascript:1:1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'shadowRoot')
    at handleNodesDeep (content.js:208:22)
    at handleDocument (content.js:164:25)
    at load (content.js:59:17)
    at content.js:200:55

The issue seems to be the CORS error. Running chrome as below fixed the issue.

open /Applications/Google\ --args --user-data-dir="/var/tmp/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials

Safari did not seem to have an issue, and I was able to reproduce the intermittent issue with Firefox. I assume fixing the cores issue with Prism will likely get things working everywhere.

I recently switched Prism Live to use ESM and I think that's what broke this. Should be an easy fix.

Ok, that explains it. I was trying to figure out what changed.

Should be fixed now, sorry about that!

@LeaVerou It is working again! As a side note, I'm not sure if you are aware, but selections are invisible currently, it makes it difficult to select and copy specific things in examples. I assume it is a style regression, but I haven't looked into it too much yet.

Oof, no, I was not aware, thanks. Will fix it today.

I am getting some odd results in live editing, too


FYI, the selection issue seems to be chrome only.

It is only mac as well...

The live editor is still (again?) broken for me in Chrome:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier './prism-live.mjs?load=javascript'. The base URL is about:blank because import() is called from a CORS-cross-origin script.
    at prism-live.js?load=javascript:16:28

Yes, I noticed this as well. Had not gotten around to commenting.

Ugh, sorry about that. I’ll take a look. FWIW that should not hold up the release.