
Gray color is not correctly cast to a string

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I noticed a problem when trying to use the API in the developer tools.
Specifically, when I tried to convert the color 'gray' to HSL and then to a string, the result displayed 'none'. Other color names do not have this result.

(new Color("gray")).to("hsl").toString()
>> 'hsl(none 0% 50.196%)'

What hue would you suggest gray has? The reason why you get an undefined hue (none) is because the color is achromatic and has no hue.

I suggest use 0 instead none when color stringify. So, I expect hsl(0 0% 50.196%) but not a hsl(none 0% 50.196%)

Because converting color with none to other format is another issue:

(new Color("hsl(none 0% 50.196%)")).to("srgb").toString()
>>> 'rgb(none none none)'

but with 0 instead none it works corretly:

(new Color("hsl(0 0% 50.196%)")).to("srgb").toString()
>>> 'rgb(50.196% 50.196% 50.196%)'

none is now supported in the CSS spec and has been implemented in a number of browsers. Gray doesn't actually have a red (0deg) hue, but regardless of technicalities of what is more correct, I can imagine some people desiring a way to serialize without none. There was an option to do so for some amount of time, but it was removed in e28cd6a.

Below does look like a bug to me though. Undefined values should be handled before conversion, but that does not appear to be happening currently.

new Color("hsl(none 0% 50.196%)").to("srgb").toString()
>>> 'rgb(none none none)'

I just fixed problem for a while with a .toString().replaceAll("none", "0") after any stringify.

I personally think an option to allow omitting none in serialization seems reasonable, but thenone conversion issue should definitely get fixed.

I've created a PR (#476) to adjust the bad "none" handling across the library.

@svgeesus and @LeaVerou would need to make a decision on whether it is desired to expose conditional "none" serialization. If they decided that they wanted to move forward with this, I'd be happy to make the PR.

None bug has been fixed on main. A new issue is opened that, when implemented, could solve the serialization request: #479. I will resolve this as a duplicate of that issue. I advise following that issue to stay on top of progress.