
Token's not in Moonbeam App after cross swap

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The Transaction showed completed on moonbeam to KSM cross chain swap

$0.0000 JFFw9RfZ...3f6dnX 0xd44559...4c3648 Kusama (21588460-2) INCOMPLETE
$0.0000 [JFFw9RfZ...3f6dnX]( 0xd44559...4c3648 [Kusama]( ([21588460-2]( INCOMPLETE

same problem, what's wrong?

  • @rageruun I did a test of 1 KMS to same address 5 min before and it worked no issue, Even though moonriver transaction cross chain showed completed but KSM showed up in Moonriver and the transaction said complete. WTF,

ericsavage-5534 temporarily disabled. Do you think tokens are in danger? Who can I contact to get it fixed?

There's an outage for all Kusama parachains yesterday due to runtime upgrade - all parachains were effectively halted and stopped producing blocks for an hour

For your kusama xcmTransfers (extrinsicHash: 0x823fc84d703d0c52792c47eb5c5369fd523c60f8e9c39730b953925404594e0f] - attempting to transfer 1.517360819 KSM to Moonriver address: 0xd44559b2d68205d96f9de2ebe22bb3e10f4c3648, the KSM has already left your account, but due to the parachain outage - failed to relay the "transfer" message to Moonriver. Thus your missing KSM is currently sitting at moonriver's para:2023 system account on Kusama relaychain still.

We automatically flag any xcmTransfers as incomplete when we observe unsuccessful xcmPallet:Attempted event like this

    "data": {
      "incomplete": [
          "refTime": 628483000,
          "proofSize": 6196
          "failedToTransactAsset": null
    "typeDef": "{\"_enum\":{\"Complete\":\"SpWeightsWeightV2Weight\",\"Incomplete\":\"(SpWeightsWeightV2Weight,XcmV3TraitsError)\",\"Error\":\"XcmV3TraitsError\"}}",
    "name": "outcome"

Please reach out to Moonriver team for further assistance. Most likely they will need to re-process the xcm via their governance to fix the situation for you.

@rageruun - I suspect it's the same issue as above. please reach out directly to Moonriver team

Thansks @mkchungs. Does any one know how to reach Moonriver Team for support