
Ability to post anonymous company review 👻

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Members should have the ability to post a company review anonymously. On the Companies page, on the modal that appears after pressing "Add Review", there should be a checkbox with a description that specifies when selected, review will be posted anonymously. The default should not be anonymous posting, but this feature will allow members to opt into anonymously reviewing if they prefer.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Add a BOOLEAN column anonymous to the database table company_review through a database migration. The default of anonymous should be false
  • On the "Add Review" modal here, include a checkbox with a description
  • The state of this checkbox should reflect the current anonymous value for the review (checked if true)
  • Update the anonymous column in the database when the checkbox is toggled.
  • When company reviews are displayed, if anonymous for a given review is true, the name for the reviewer should be "Anonymous", and there should be a blank profile picture

Additional Context

Check out the checkbox component here, and see examples of database migrations here!
Feel free to add or ask for any more insight!

Hey, I'll get to work on this issue

Going to open up this issue!

Can I take this issue?

@jasonappah you've got it!