
Store Directory Profile URLs on Slack Profiles ๐Ÿ”—

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We would like to be able to link each member's directory profile URL within their Slack profile. This will require implementing a function that retrieves all of the members with both Slack profiles and member directory profiles, and then passing in the member's directory URL as a new field in the Slack profiles.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Retrieve all members with both Slack profiles (check joined_slack_at in students table) and member directory profiles (check joined_member_directory_at in students table)
  • Generate the URL for each directory profile using the member ID
  • Store this URL into the Slack profile for each member
  • Abide by any rate-limiting that Slack has (since this function will modify a large number of Slack profiles)

Additional Context

We can see how the URL is generated for each directory profile here. Note that generatePath is a deterministic function, meaning that given a particular input (i.e. a member ID), the URL produced by this function will always be the same.

Check the Slack documentation here. There is an example in the codebase of utilizing the Slack API to modify a Slack profile here.

Don't worry about actually running this function-this will be done manually once the function is implemented!

Can I work on this?