Linux configuration files
A collection of configuration files, scripts, and snippets for various Linux distributions and tools.
distros/ - Distribution-specific configurations and package lists
- Arch Linux
- Fedora
- Pop!_OS
- Ubuntu
- Manjaro
- Fish shell configurations and themes
- Oh My Posh themes
- LazyVim configurations
- Neovim configurations
- Ranger file manager configs
- Warp terminal settings
- Cheat command configs
packages/ - Package lists for various distributions
snippets/ - Code snippets for various programming languages and frameworks
- System maintenance scripts
- Crontab configurations
- Starship prompt configs
├── cheat/ - Cheat command configurations
├── crontab/ - Crontab scripts and templates
├── distros/ - Distribution-specific configs
├── fish/ - Fish shell configurations
├── lazyvim/ - LazyVim editor configs
├── nvim/ - Neovim configs
├── packages/ - Package lists
├── ranger/ - Ranger file manager configs
├── snippets/ - Code snippets
├── starship/ - Starship prompt configs
└── warp-terminal/ - Warp terminal configs