
Access token authenticated Member::currentUser() in onAfterDeserialize function

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I'm wondering it's possible to access Member::currentUser() data within the onAfterDeserialize function on my model.

I'm logging in and authenticating ok using the API and passing the token back which I can read in the canCreate() function.

Idea is that if a user creates an entry, it will put their ID against it in the onAfterDeserialize rather than posting up their ID

If you are using the TokenAuth and the token is stored on a Member dataobject, when the Authenticator validates the token the Member gets login at the same time.

So theoretically, Member::currentUser() should work anywhere. Have you tried it?

I think my problem my be that the member is authenticated when I log in and get their details, but i haven't set up the 'log' dataobject / endpoint to use the authenticated user...

  api_access: 'GET,POST'

  api_access: 'GET'
    - RESTfulAPI_TokenAuthExtension

That config snippet seems fine. What's the config for RestfulAPI?

config is

  api_access: 'GET,POST'

    - RESTfulAPI_TokenAuthExtension

# RestfulAPI config
  #authentication_policy: true
  access_control_policy: 'ACL_CHECK_CONFIG_AND_MODEL'
    authenticator: '%$RESTfulAPI_TokenAuthenticator'
    Enabled: true
    Allow-Origin: '*'
    Allow-Headers: '*'
    Allow-Methods: 'GET,POST'
    Max-Age: 86400
    tokenOwnerClass: 'Member'

in my 'log' data object I have

public function onAfterDeserialize(&$data) { print_r($data); print_r(Member::currentUser()); print_r(Member::currentUser()->ID); }
which is displaying the data posted, but not the member info.

if i add a 'canCreate' function eg:

function canCreate($member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser(); print "create:"; print $member->ID; return true; }

then within there I can see the member info in there

You need to uncomment authentication_policy: true (you can change true to an array of HTTP method if for example you only want to authenticate request that change data...). Adding the RESTfulAPI_TokenAuthExtension is not enough.

Am pretty sure you get a Member ID in the canCreate method because SilverStripe has its own Member retrieval mechanism if non is passed as argument.

Hi there,

Many thanks - I think there's a combination of lots of things going on here - I'm getting close now.
One issue I seem to have is that $HTTP requests from AngularJS aren't sending the token in the required format - using POSTMAN is now working, so with that working it isolate the final issue.

Really appreciate your help, and once it's working and I get some free time I'll post my solution for other people reference.,

by default the token has to be passed in an HTTP header X-Silverstripe-Apitoken

Or fall back to a query variable ?token

I seem to have it all working now. Cheers.
