
Don't expire Auth token? Is this possible?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi ya,

Is there a easy way to to extend the token life OR turn off checking it?


Hey, right now tokens are not eternal and will always have a lifetime.

But you can set the token life via config with tokenLife and you can use autoRefreshLifetime to refresh its life with every successful request.

So you could give the token a life of 10 days or 100 years if you wanted.

Thanks so much!
So that means:

tokenOwnerClass: 'Member'
tokenLife: 3153600000
autoRefreshLifetime: true

should this do the trick? thats 100 years in seconds I think?

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Thierry François

Hey, right now tokens are not eternal and will always have a lifetime.

But you can set the token life via config with tokenLife and you can use
autoRefreshLifetime to refresh its life with every successful request.

So you could give the token a life of 10 days or 100 years if you wanted.

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(=*=') JAMIE BARKER ^---^-._

P: +64 3 338 2482

That would do it. Once the token is first generated you have 100 years to use it. :)