
static serving from resources after assembly fails

siddhartha-gadgil opened this issue · 9 comments

In (and also a larger project, which is what I wanted), serving from resources works fine with and server.runBackgroundbut fails on running the result of server.assembly

  • Even files in the resources folder behave the same way.

In the following code in cask, relPath is defined but not used.

val relPath = java.nio.file.Paths.get(path)
    val (data0, statusCode0) = resourceRoot.getResourceAsStream(path) match{
      case null => ("": Response.Data, 404)
      case res => (res: Response.Data, 200)

is that a typo (which accidentally does not matter in run)?

It seems to work fine with the example project:

  def staticResourceRoutes() = "cask"

Perhaps it's something to do with the way your app has

  def staticResourceRoutes() = "."


Not sure what "." means w.r.t. JVM resources, but maybe it doesn't like it in some cases

might be fixed in 4369a2f

Fixed in the toy project. Thanks a lot.
I'll confirm in the larger project and close

It is indeed fixed. Thanks again.

efim commented

For anyone who gets here with similar problem:

I had errors 404 with server not being able to locate images by path that should have worked
that turned out to be a problem with browser - it was caching 404 from builds that were incorrect
i've been able troubleshoot that by not trusting initial 404 responses, and manually triggering "Resend" in the Network console

And before that i checked "jar tf stripe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep public" to see if my 'public' dir is indeed in the assembly jar

Overall the function works as should be expected
'src/main/resources' is root, and for example to server 'src/main/resources/public' the method should return "public"