
Add substation section based on IED name convention

Stef3st opened this issue · 0 comments

As a user of CoMPAS with a buttom-up process and a strict IED naming convention I want to create a substation section automatically for testing purposes.


  • name plugin autogen substation
  • add as many substations as there are different substation names in all the IEDs in the project
  • add as many voltage level’s per substation as there are voltage level names per substation in all IEDs
  • add as many bay’s as there are bay names per voltage level in all the IEDs in the project
  • add IEDs to the bays:
    • when an IED name fits the bay path
      • e.g. for bay path ['ZLC', ‘E01', 'Q01'] and the according IED name something like ZLC_E01Q01A1 (the characters after Q01 do not relevant)
      • add a LNode element to the bay referencing the first LN0 in the IED (ied.querySelector('LN0'))
      • lets assume the logical device instance the LN0 is child of is LDevice[inst="someLDevice"] the LNode element would look something like
  • add conducting equipment to the bay (re-use the guess function in the substation editor)
    • for each logical node CSWI in the IED with a child data object Pos > ctlModel = sbo-with-enchanced-security
    • add one ConductingEquipment
      • the type attribute of this element is either CBR or DIS
        • each CSWI is potentially connected to a XSWI or XCBR , the connection is done by with same prefix and inst within the same LDevice
        • e.g there is something like this <LN prefix="pre1" lnClass="CSWI" inst="3" .../> and <LN prefix="pre4" lnClass="XCBR" inst="4" .../> and <LN prefix="pre1" lnClass="XSWI" inst="3" .../> in the same LDevice the CSWI is connected to XSWI here because the share the prefix and instance number
        • if CSWI is linked to XCBR only use type=”CBR” in any other cases use DIS
        • reference all CSWI and if present XCBR and/or XSWI to the conducting equipment
          • add a LNode element referencing the above mentioned logical nodes
        • reference also a CILO (interlocking) if present
          • same criteria as for XCBR or XSWI : shared prefix and inst attribute with CSWI
          • add LNode


  • make an extra repository
  • add to CoMPAS organizations
  • name repo compas-autogenerate-substation

Example IED name:
ZCL_E01Q04A1 stand for an IED A1 allocated within bay Q04 and this allocated in voltage level E01 and this allocated in ZCL