
[RSR-894] Update compas:flow and ExtRef prebindings

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User Story


  • XSD compas must be updated in order to develop this functionality.


  • SCD file

US process description

In the process of automation SCD, if the SCD files has a compas:flow that contains
@flownode and @FlowNodeOrder that are not empty then the process has to collect their compas:Flow@ExtRefldinst @ExtRefprefix @ExtReflnClass @ExtReflnInst that are not empty in order to find the Lnode corresponding in /Substation/Bay.
LNode can be found with the help of Private compas:topo that has @node=@flownode and @NodeOrder=@FlowNodeOrder.

• In case compas:topo isn't found in SCD file then the compas:flow binding and its ExtRef must be removed.
To remove compas:flow binding the process should delete @ExtRefiedName @ExtRefldinst @ExtRefprefix @ExtReflnClass @ExtReflnInst values.

Once LNode is found compas:Flow@ExtRefiedName and ExtRef@iedName should be replace by /LNode@iedName.
• In case LNode is not found then the compas:flow binding and its ExtRef must be removed.
To remove compas:flow binding the process should delete @ExtRefiedName @ExtRefldinst @ExtRefprefix @ExtReflnClass @ExtReflnInst values.