
Add footer to the page

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Add footer to the page

hey @combatantash can you assign this issue to me i can work on it

Assigned to you @Ishikasaraf20 you can start working. once you have donee with code before creating PR please upload your screenshot of the changes you have done along with the comment and then request a PR

@Ishikasaraf20 any update about the footer?

i am so sorry @combatantash i just forgot to make the PRs just a minute

hey @combatantash i've PRed you the footer i made kindly reveiw the changes

@Ishikasaraf20 please add the screenshot.

@Ishikasaraf20 request for PR

Hey @combatantash did you find the PR's

Hi! Could you please assign this issue to me @combatantash