Allow to specify consistency levels for reads/writes of applied migrations
Opened this issue · 1 comments
We just ran into an issue that (most probably) was caused by the consistency level that's used by default (ONE): when running migrate this fails with an AlreadyExistsException, which (most probably) is caused by an incomplete read with the default consistency ONE.
We just fixed this issue (for us) by changing the default/session consistency level in the sbt-pillar-plugin to QUORUM.
Because we're running in a multi DC environment it would be optimal if it would be possible to specify different consistency levels for reads and writes: Writes should be done using EACH_QUORUM by default, which allows you to run Reads with LOCAL_QUORUM - assuming that the applied migrations more often read than written, this combination provides the best overall performance (relatively fast reads).
We are seeing similar behavior and our migrations fail because of this. Below is a row count of applied_migrations for one of the keyspaces. Running a nodetool repair on the keyspace syncs the missing rows. This happens even though the keyspace is setup with proper replication settings
keyspace_name | durable_writes | strategy_class | strategy_options
core_service | True | org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy | {"DC_DATA_1":"3"}
keyspace: core_service
Datacenter: DC_DATA_1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN host_ip_address_1_DC_DATA_1 3.75 MB 256 100.0% 3851106b RAC1
UN host_ip_address_2_DC_DATA_1 3.72 MB 256 100.0% d1201142 RAC1
UN host_ip_address_3_DC_DATA_1 3.72 MB 256 100.0% 81625495 RAC1
Datacenter: DC_OPSCENTER_1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN host_ip_address_4_DC_OPSCENTER_1 631.31 MB 256 0.0% 39e4f8af RAC1
Query: select count(*) from core_service.applied_migrations; (performed on each node)
host_ip_address_1_DC_DATA_1 core_service applied_migrations
(1 rows)
host_ip_address_2_DC_DATA_1 core_service applied_migrations
(1 rows)
host_ip_address_3_DC_DATA_1 core_service applied_migrations
(1 rows)
host_ip_address_4_DC_OPSCENTER_1 core_service applied_migrations
(1 rows)