Error whit CometChat in WebView Android
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Describe the bug
we're encountering an issue with CometChat on the Android platform.
We're attempting to load CometChat within a WebView, but we're facing an error. The attached file displays a "BLOCKED_BY_ORB" error.
The WebView has been configured with the following settings:
WebSettings webSettings = webView.getSettings();
webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // Enables JavaScript
webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls(false); // Disables built-in zoom controls
webSettings.setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE); // Sets the cache mode to not use cache
webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled(true); // Enables DOM storage
webSettings.setSupportZoom(false); // Disables zoom support
In debug mode we see all API calls go successfully as shown in the screenshot below.
The url uploaded by the Webview is https:///
Could you assist us in resolving this issue, please?
Provesha (CometChat Team) replied:
Hello Andrea,
Thanks for sharing this. Could you give us the version of the UI kit you're using?
Keagan (CometChat Team) replied:
Hello Andrea,
Thank you for the Information.
We will look into this and circle back to you with more information at the earliest.
Keagan Ellis
Provesha (CometChat Team) replied:
Hi Andrea,
You are currently using the outdated version of CometChat which, unfortunately, is now deprecated and no longer supported making it impossible to implement changes or improvements.
Since then, we've upgraded this product to AtomChat. You can contact the AtomChat support team, and they will assist you in transitioning from the legacy version.
We will now close this ticket. Thank you.
For the benefit of others who may have the same problem in the future, I am communicating that we have solved it ourselves.
The problem was due to an update of some Google endpoints, specifically this URL was changed to this other one
We've update all the references and dependencies related to the old URL to restore the service. I remember that in our case the issue was only affecting the Android platform.