- 1
'com.cometchat:chat-uikit-android:4.3.13' has clearTextTrafic enabled by default.
#21 opened by adrienrx - 1
getting crash
#20 opened by MeetGori1 - 3
Suggestion: To avoid using findViewById
#12 opened by yadavmangesh - 1
There are many errors in UIkit-kotlin
#14 opened by neerajnsp - 6
- 2
Group Video calling issue
#5 opened by chiragnahartops - 3
Group Creation not updating Realtime
#8 opened by niteshorntech - 1
Default User Last Login Time Wrong
#9 opened by niteshorntech - 1
Audio Message not opening
#7 opened by niteshorntech - 3
Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath: class okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor, unresolved supertypes: okhttp3.Interceptor
#4 opened by abhi-9605 - 0
[1.8.3] Calling not getting initiated between different version of SDK (i.e between 1.6.0 and 1.8.3)
#1 opened by yadavmangesh - 0