
Maven artefacts for Dojo 1.11.1 release omits the new flat theme

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hi all,

I notice that the new maven artefacts produced for Dojo 1.11.1 are missing the 'flat' theme that is present in the distribution

I am referring to directory:


Is there a reason why this is so? Why is the maven artefact simply not the artefact produced by

We are very keen to use the flat theme so it would be appreciated if this could be corrected.

Thanks for maintaining these artefacts.


I just downloaded the dojo-war-1.11.1.war from Maven Central and it does contain the themes/flat directory.

The files are missing from

I don't understand ? They are present in, and we just repackage the distribution into a war format, so it all looks good to me.

I don't see them. Comparing the artefact from Maven central with the one from Dojo:

unzip -l ~/.m2/repository/org/dojotoolkit/dojo/1.11.1/ | grep flat

curl -O
unzip -l | grep flat
0 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/
2823 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/flat_dijit_rtl.css
6922 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/flat_rtl.css
34074 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/flat_dijit.css
0 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/dijit/
0 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/dijit/Editor_rtl.css
157 03-29-16 23:59 dojo-release-1.11.1/themes/flat/dijit/TitlePane_rtl.css

What I am doing wrong?

You're doing nothing wrong, the module is repackaging the distribution from Dojo in the wrong way.

Thanks !

Thanks for addressing the underlying problem. One question, will artefacts for 1.11.1 at maven central be corrected or will this need to await the next release?

It's scheduled for the next Dojo release, unless you really need this.
What would be a good numbering scheme here ? ?

We will await the next Dojo maintenance release. Thanks again.

Released 1.11.2.