
admin_route_prefix undefined

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Tryign to using comfy_blog in my test CMS setup and ran into this issue on installation both on CMS v 1.8 and CMS 2.0 beta:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/comfy_blog-0.1.8/lib/comfy_blog/engine.rb:10:in block (2 levels) in <class:Engine>': undefined methodadmin_route_prefix'

Trying to set

config.admin_route_prefix = 'cms-admin'

Just breaks up further up the stack.

Any suggestion? Is comfy-blog not compatible with latest version of CMS 1.8 & 2.0?

GBH commented

In current state blog doesn't work with 1.8 or 2.0. Try this fork instead: #16

Hi Oleg.

Thank you for your suggestions, I was going through the forks yesterday to see what other people have done.

I ran into more issues, that have to do with that fork so I'll move discussion there.

For anyone else looking into this refer to my comments here #16 (comment) based on the suggestion made by GBH.

The bottom line - you need to use a fork for now:

gem 'comfy_blog', git: 'git://', branch: 'feature/1-8-1'

Until comfy-blog gem gets updated and tested against CMS1.8