
TypeError when loading multiple comics

stevethebuff opened this issue · 4 comments

Novice user here ...I just installed ComicTagger (1.6.0-alpha.10) on my MacBook and successfully added the .cbr tagging function using Homebrew. So far so good.

It's working great when I use Open and do a single comic book file, but when I Open Folder to do multiple comics I get this error message:

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 7 32 01 pm

I found the fileselectionlist file but can't see what needs changing.

New to Python so hoping it's something simple I've missed ...

Installed the new update, and it is now working perfectly. Many thanks!

But I didn't actually push the fix yet.............. Were you installing via pip?

I did install via pip originally, but when I opened the application a couple of days ago I got a prompt to install an update. I did and it's working ... ain't gonna quibble with that!

if you used brew, they default to python3.11 which is not tested and probably caused the issue.