Exporting with BOM
DannyBen opened this issue · 2 comments
I was contemplating whether I should open an issue or a question on SO. Apologies if I chose poorly...
Is there anything I need to do in comma config, or the call to "render" in order to get the CSV with BOM? The reason I am asking, is that my users see gibberish when opening with Excel 2010, but it opened nicely when I added the BOM (manually).
I found this post that shows how to do it without comma, but I was hoping to get to something simpler, in the same spirit of comma. Maybe something like:
respond_to do |format|
format.html { @activities = @activities.page(params[:page]) }
format.csv { render :csv => @activities, bom: true } # <--- tadaaa...
Perhaps this patch can be the beginning of a solution?
It is working for me, but I am not sure if it is the ideal place to put it, and I have not created any specs for it.
# activities_controller
respond_to do |format|
format.html { @activities = @activities.page(params[:page]) }
format.csv { render :csv => @activities, add_bom: true }
Since you found answer, I am closing this issue.
About patch, it looks good. About add_bom
option, it is fine, but I like with_bom
instead. I am looking for your PR!