
support for jquery mobile themes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

icon color and background are hardcoded in fa css, I guess that is the default. What is the best way to apply the jqm theme colors for this icon pack?

I don't think those are hard coded themes. I can change the theme. See the example below

<a href="item.html" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" data-icon="th-list" data-theme="g">10</a>

custom theme

@urbien can you confirm what @mayooresan mentions?

investigating some more, will let you know today

after more testing it looks like themes work with font awesome. My bad. @mayooresan thanks for setting me straight. @commadelimited thank you for this work, we use it extensively in Urbini, a mobile app builder for geeks-who-can't-code.

Right on! Super exciting. Glad you like them.