
add python 3.x support

LordSyd opened this issue · 3 comments

Sadly this does not work with python 3.x. It would be great if the script could be updated to work on new versions of python.

 File "", line 50
    print 'You are using "old gen" bindings. gdal2tiles needs "new gen" bindings.'
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('You are using "old gen" bindings. gdal2tiles needs "new gen" bindings.')?

This is the error when I try to run it

PRs are welcome...

I wish I was good enough to implement that myself - but having only 3 Months of Python experience I wouldn't even know where to start. ;) But, allas, I found another way of tiling my map using maptiler for the moment - still, would love using this script once it gets updated.

@LordSyd python3 should work now.