
StackOverflowError in RAML validator

stmeissner opened this issue · 2 comments

Given following type definitions:

#%RAML 1.0 DataType
(package): Error
type: object
displayName: ErrorResponse
description: |
  Base representation of an error response containing common fields to all errors.
example: !include ../../examples/Error/ErrorResponse.json
    type: integer
    description: |
      HTTP status code corresponding to the error.
    type: string
    description: |
      First error message in the `errors` array.
    type: array
    items: ErrorObject
    description: |
      Errors returned for a request.

      A single error response can contain multiple errors if the errors are related to the same HTTP status code such as `400`.


#%RAML 1.0 DataType
(package): Error
type: object
displayName: ErrorObject
discriminator: code
    type: string
    description: |
      Error identifier.
    type: string
    description: |
      Plain text description of the cause of the error.
    type: any
    description: |
      Error-specific additional fields.

validating following example file ../../examples/Error/ErrorResponse.json fails with a java.lang.StackOverflowError:

  "statusCode": 400,
  "message": "First error message",
  "errors": [
    { "code": "SomeErrorCode", "message": "First error message" },
    { "code": "SomeErrorCode", "message": "Second error message" },
    { "code": "SomeErrorCode", "message": "Third error message" }

Expected behavior

Validation is successful and no error is reported.

The RAML validator was checking that the code inside the example is actually a type that we have defined. Since SomeErrorCode does not exist as a discriminatorValue for an ErrorObject, it causes the validation to fail. We can consider introducing a meaningful error message for this, but probably not a super high priority.

thanks Jens for the investigation! 🤗

Fixed the overflow error in rest-modelling-framework