
Bug, subject converted to lowercase

unlight opened this issue · 4 comments

Function filterSubject converts all inputs to lower case.
I want to keep my subject sentence cased.

This is what happens:

var filterSubject = function(subject) {
subject = subject.trim();
if (subject.charAt(0).toLowerCase() !== subject.charAt(0)) {
subject =
subject.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + subject.slice(1, subject.length);
while (subject.endsWith('.')) {
subject = subject.slice(0, subject.length - 1);
return subject;

I'd like to keep my first letter uppercase as well – @jimthedev I'm failing to find a spec for this. Am I missing something? If not, would you accept a PR to remove the modification of the first letter? Thanks in advance!

I believe this is fixed by the config option disableSubjectLowerCase

Absolutely, thanks @chrisgarber! @unlight Would you mind closing the issue?