
automatic pluralizing of title

jfisherbah opened this issue · 3 comments

It is recommended that either some mechanism exists to disable the automatic pluralization of the PP or Module title, or that a separate field for a plural name be something that can be defined optionally in the initial tag. The current process creates issues when pluralizing changes the spelling; e.g. "SSL/TLS Inspection Proxy" should become "SSL/TLS Inspection Proxies" and not "SSL/TLS Inspection Proxys" (or it should just be kept singular)

This worked to fix the pluralization issue but it looks like it replaces everything with 'target-product'; it doesn't look like 'target-products' gets used anywhere - is this intentional?

kgal commented

Looks like it's used mostly in modules transforms. If you can post links that would be helpful. If you use the "-linkable.html" version of the document, you can link to most periods in a document.