
Example 333 actually strips nothing

rhysd opened this issue · 2 comments

Example 333:

Only [spaces], and not [unicode whitespace] in general, are
stripped in this way:

```````````````````````````````` example
` b `
<p><code> b </code></p>

If the description is correct, spaces around 'b' must be stripped as <p><code>b</code></p>. But the example is not stripped actually.

On GitHub, these spaces are actually stripped. ` b ` is b as rendered here.

Those characters are not spaces but U+00A0 (No-Break Space, NBSP). The line above explains it: only the actual ASCII space (U+0020) is removed in this case.


` b ` ->  b 

` b ` -> b

Note that copy/pasting things might loose these characters.
Code editors might not display the difference, but they often have a “show hidden characters” option, see also “Unicode highlight” in VS Code settings

Ah, I see. I misunderstood that nbsp is included in the 'spaces' in CommonMark. Thank you for clarifying that.