
Segfault with insufficient workspace (buffer overflow)

shiver opened this issue · 3 comments


  • Varnish-4.1.0 revision 3041728
  • VSF (master ea07f16)
  • Ubuntu 14.04

I seem to have encountered a buffer overflow in vmod_normalize() relating to utf8proc_decompose().

Assert error in child_sigsegv_handler(), mgt/mgt_child.c line 297:
  Condition(Segmentation fault by instruction at 0x7fd277225738) not true.

Not being an expert in either VSF, utf8proc or even C, my assumptions may be incorrect. At minimum I do receive an panic which crashes the varnish child when it is encountered.

To reproduce:

  • Have a running web server.
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n" | nc -l localhost 8080
  • Start varnish and a child in the foreground for debugging purposes.
$ sudo varnishd -d -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -T localhost:6092
Platform: Linux,3.13.0-66-generic,x86_64,-junix,-smalloc,-smalloc,-hcritbit
200 283
Varnish Cache CLI 1.0
varnish-4.1.0 revision 3041728

Type 'help' for command list.
Type 'quit' to close CLI session.
Type 'start' to launch worker process.

child (26635) Started
200 0

Child (26635) said Child starts
  • Have some data which exceeds the available workspace_client limit. The default being 64K. The following will produce a random file of 70K.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.txt bs=1024 count=70
  • POST to varnish
curl --data-urlencode @file.txt http://localhost

The varnish child then crashes and produces the error mentioned above.

I think I have narrowed down the cause to the following line in vmod_normalize():

    len = utf8proc_decompose((utf8proc_uint8_t *)s, 0 /* IGNORED */,
        (utf8proc_int32_t *)p, u, options);

I think the problem is that WS_Reserve() returns the available buffer space in bytes, which is then stored in u. However, utf8proc_decompose() is looking for a buffer with a length specified in utf8proc_int32_t, not in bytes. This call will also clobber the magic number stored in ctx->ws->e, which I think marks the end of the available workspace.

I will issue a pull request shortly for my proposed fix, as there is more that needs to change since correcting the buffer size issue does not completely fix it.


fgsch commented

Thanks for the report.

You might be into something here. I will take a look.

fgsch commented

Hi. Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about this. I will commit a different fix in the following days.

fgsch commented

Thanks for bringing this to my attention and sorry it took so long.

I've spent some time pondering about this and normalization in general. The current approach has a few drawbacks (e.g. workspace exhaustion, non-ASCII characters handling) and I wanted to address them all but rather than waiting for the perfect fix let's get this out of the way and sort the others separately.