
Lecture "Algorithms", exercise 1

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What is the result of the execution of the algorithm in Figure 4 using "Peroni", "HTML", and "Peroni, S., Osborne, F., Di Iorio, A., Nuzzolese, A. G., Poggi, F., Vitali, F., Motta, E. (2017). Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles. PeerJ Computer Science 3: e132. e2513. DOI:" as input values?


It's 2


The result should be 2, since both words can be found in the citation

The number 2

It returns 2



The result is 2

The result is 2.

The result is 2

It is 2.

The result is 2, because both β€œPeroni” and β€œHTML” are β€˜contained’ in the bibliographic entry.

The algorithm must return the number 2, because the bibliographic entry contains both the words "Peroni" and "HTML".

The algorithm's execution returns 2.