
NodeJS esnext results coud use update for featuer released in v14 semver-minors

KilianKilmister opened this issue · 4 comments

NodeJS now supports private (static) class methods and fields by default (since node-v14.10 i think). so it passes all current stage-3 tests without any flags.

here's the result of running the es-next test in node-v14.13:

▼       instance class fields
✔       public instance class fields  
✔       private instance class fields basic support  
✔       private instance class fields initializers
✔       optional private instance class fields access
✔       optional deep private instance class fields access
✔       computed instance class fields
▼       static class fields
✔       public static class fields  
✔       private static class fields  
✔       computed static class fields
▼       private class methods
✔       private instance methods
✔       private static methods
✔       private accessor properties
✔       private static accessor properties
▼       Legacy RegExp features in JavaScript
✔       RegExp "lastMatch"  
✔       RegExp.$1-$9  
✔       Hashbang Grammar  

Similarly Weak References are enabled by default now aswell (also v14.13, tested --but forgot-- if they ran in 14.10 aswell):

▼       WeakReferences
✔       WeakRef minimal support
✔       FinalizationRegistry minimal support

Thanks, a PR to update that would be great (altho usually node's results are inherited automatically from chrome's)

I could potentially do that, depending on how much spare time i have. What would i have to do? didn't find any doccumentation on it.

here's how node 14.0 is marked as being equal to chrome 81:

In other words, if both chrome 81 and node 14 share the same result, it can be specified by testing in chrome 81; if they differ, they should have an explicit result in both.

@ljharb ah i see. I'll take a look at what exactly would need to change when i get some spare time