
Team Image assets for About page "meet the team/who we are" section

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o-ram commented

The About page on the website has a "Meet the Team" section, which calls for photos of team members and a group shot. The website made the decision to use the watercolors made during our 2022 holiday party for the team photos.

Team photos:

  • Talk with Shelby to get in touch with the artist so we can ask her to create watercolors for any team members who do not have one
  • Label existing watercolors with name of person
  • Handoff images to design

Group photo:

  • Finalize which image to use from existing options
o-ram commented

@AnthonyRollins While I was in website ticket creation mode, I went ahead and created the image assets ticket as well. Feel free to edit it however you'd like.

@o-ram Status update: Shelby reached out to Allison, the artist, to see if we can get more watercolor images. She is also going to look over the images we currently have and start labeling them.

@o-ram, I've updated the about us content page to include all team members and their titles. I need to double check with everyone to ensure I am correctly representing everyone.

We received the last of the illustrations for the entire team.

@segacy1 Let me know if you would like to add them to the final designs; you can find them all here

@o-ram I think we can close out this issue once the illustration is added to the design unless there is more to accomplish.

Sounds good! Updated in figma

Great - @o-ram closing out this issue as it is ready for dev.