
Announce List for Computer Anon Edinburgh

leynos opened this issue · 2 comments

It's been suggested on several occasions at meetups that the Edinburgh group would be well served by an announce only mailing list. Google Groups has been suggested as an appropriate vehicle for this list. The Google Group name "whycomputered" is available. I propose to go ahead and register this list and grant ownership to those identified as maintainers on the uk_edinburgh web page. In order for me to do so, I'd need for the Edinburgh Comp Anon maintainers to DM me (via Twitter) e-mail addresses or Google IDs.

If someone else would prefer to do this, or there are objections to me doing this, I am happy to defer.

Once the list has been set up, I propose that interested parties be advised via mentions on Twitter from the Comp Anon Ed account, on the uk_edinburgh www page and via the Facebook page.

i think this is a good idea, sorry i'ze not been participating so much lately.

---aka aldroid

I've now set this up at:!forum/whycomputer-ed

I'd like to get the responsible individuals for the Edinburgh set up as owners or managers as soon as is possible.