
rebuild a repository to deal with 3d printing

Primary LanguageC++


Now this program can read the STL model and transform the vertex positions of a primitive into a regular eulerian grid
The program used modern OpenGL to display the graph.
I set four viewports to display the patch model, the voxel model, the slicing layer with the same layer thickness and the slicing layer with adaptive slicing layer thickness separately.
in order to compile and run this program, the glfw ,glew and glm are necessary.
use makefile to run it

cd 3dprint/

I uploaded some examples for it like Oblique cube.STL The program can be run by

./main Obique cube.STL 6 100

The second parameter is the name of the STL model.
The third parameter is the depth of the octree.
The forth parameter is the numer of the layers of the slcing layered strategy.