
Review of PEAK vs. SUMMIT

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As raised in the (already closed) #1372 PR, we can review the distinction between concepts PEAK, SUMMIT, and TOP for the new release of Concepticon, @LinguList, @AnnikaTjuka, and @chrzyki.

Having had a closer look at the definitions and concepts I think a rough approach could be:

  • Check definition of PEAK ("The highest or lowest point on a surface." - Why lowest?)
    • Check Nurse-1975-1038-307 (more a candidate for summit, if at all?)
  • Refine SUMMIT mappings
    • Bulakh-2013-870-450 is PEAK, not SUMMIT
    • Bodt-2019-664-318 is PEAK, not SUMMIT
    • List-2020-1365-898 is TOP, not SUMMIT
    • Snider-2004-1700-1263 is potentially ambiguous
    • Zalizniak-2020-2590-582 is PEAK, not SUMMIT
    • Zalizniak-2024-4583-2148 is PEAK, not SUMMIT
  • refine relations: Assuming that every SUMMIT is a PEAK (with peaks being the pointy bits of mountains, summits being the highest pointy bit of a mountain) SUMMIT is an instance of PEAK.
  • Refine TOP mappings:
    • Kaufman-1973-1028-716 is more SUMMIT than TOP, if at all.

This is after a first glance and there might be more things to do but I hope it serves as an okay basis for a discussion.