
How to apply knowledge

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Great work. It was mentioned in the paper that it will search for relevant knowledge and use knowledge to answer. Is there a part about knowledge search in this source code?

@aguang1201 Unfortunately, I do not have access to a large enough database with a consistent stream of update-to-date information. I was looking into integrating something like pinecone for searching relevant information if the cost was low enough for users.

If you have any recommendations on cost-efficient databases let me know.



Thanks for your reply, I'm considering using wikipedia api to find relevant knowledge information and integrate it into the conversation to generate a reply

@aguang1201 I will have to look into the Wikipedia API as well. If you get something working, feel free to open up a pull request!

Thank you,


@aguang1201 I found a viable solution utilizing LangChain with SerpApi / WikiApi. I am going to integrate both of them in this library soon.