
Add manual refresh button to show page

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Add manual refresh button to show page

@bamnet Would this button be on the _render_default page? I was thinking about adding a method to the contents_controller to load the content item by id and then call the manual_refresh method on it (if it's a DynamicContent type) and then set the flash message based on the results and redirect them to the show page. Is that the best approach, or am I missing something?

How does the refresh system work at the moment? How often does the feed pull data?

The default is every 6 minutes ( This, of course, assumes you have a screen hitting the frontend which is used to simulate a cron pulse. You could cron it manually with something like rake dynamic_content:refresh

Hm, I have a screen constantly on the front end and it's not triggering it. Running that command seems to work though. I'm assuming by "hitting the front end" you mean displaying the webpage concertourl/frontend/screennumber?

Was the RSS content setup before the 0.3.2 release? We changed something in 0.3.2 which might have broken existing RSS content.

No, it was put in under a fresh install. However, while the screen displays, it seems to lose connection to the concerto server, as the screen is shown as offline.

Scrap that, even with the screen online it doesn't update. I'll create a new issue to handle this.