
Filesystem "proc" must be mounted on ordinary directory

sneal opened this issue · 2 comments

sneal commented

Concourse 6.40

I'm using the oci-image-task to attempt to build an image, however while executing a RUN command in my Dockerfile it gets this error:

container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:459: container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting "proc" to rootfs at "/proc" caused: filesystem "proc" must be mounted on ordinary directory

The error seems to be coming from this line of code where it checks for symlinks.

If I hijack the task and run the following commands:

/tmp/buildkitd/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/42/fs # rm -rf proc
/tmp/buildkitd/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/42/fs # mkdir -p proc
/tmp/buildkitd/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/42/fs # rm -rf sys
/tmp/buildkitd/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/42/fs # mkdir -p sys

I can then manually execute the build command which then succeeds.

vito commented

Not sure what would be causing this - would likely need to know how your workers are deployed.

Also can you try again with v0.5? It has a fix for #50 which I suspect affects more things than performance.

sneal commented

Our image definition has changed pretty substantially since I originally opened this issue. I'll re-open this issue we encounter this again.