
Problem with directory path

Closed this issue · 3 comments

My AWS reports are being put into s3://<bucket>/<myprefix>/aws-cost-and-usage/ but the function works only if I dont have my own prefix. I had to edit it and do the following change to work out for me at

-    period = dirs[len(dirs)-3]
+    period = dirs[len(dirs)-2]

-    for d in dirs[0:len(dirs)-3]:
+    for d in dirs[0:len(dirs)-2]:

Maybe there is a better fix to solve both cases #

Thank you for bringing this up. We will review this issue and add a comment here before the end of this week.

AWS places Cost and Usage reports in S3 according to the following key structure:


... where prefix is optional and period is something like '20171201-20180101'

This function receives an S3 Put event when a new CUR is placed in your S3 bucket by AWS.

It seems the function is doing the right thing in order to extract the period, by doing

period = dirs[len(dirs)-3]

For example:


len(dirs) is 4
len(dirs)-3 is 1, which is the right index for the period component '20171201-20180101'



len(dirs) is 3
len(dirs)-3 is 0, which also finds the period component '20171201-20180101'

Could you please include an example of the s3 key in the S3 Put event the function received and also the error message you experienced?


Path-related issues are fixed by #7