
Packages not building

peastman opened this issue · 5 comments

Conda-forge documentation

  • I could not solve my problem using the conda-forge documentation.

Installed packages

N/A.  This doesn't involve any local operations, just the github build infrastructure.

Environment info

N/A.  This doesn't involve any local operations, just the github build infrastructure.


About half the time when I merge a PR from my feedstock, it doesn't trigger new builds. In the past I was able to force it to build by directly pushing an empty commit, following these instructions provided by @jaimergp:

git remote -v
git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git merge upstream/master
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger CI"
git push upstream master

But something has changed such that it doesn't work anymore. How can I force it to build the new packages when just merging the PR doesn't do it? I have a release currently blocked by this issue.

Isn't the default branch main for a while now? Might need to adjust those commands.

Right, I did change it to main when I executed the commands, sorry. Here's what I got when I tried to push it:

$ git push upstream main
Everything up-to-date

My interpretation is that it realizes the empty commit didn't really change anything, so it doesn't create a new commit in the upstream repo.

Let me give it a try, I'd be surprised if git had changed that behavior.

git clone 
cd openmm-feedstock
git remote -v  # should list both origin (fork) and upstream (conda-forge)
git fetch --all
git checkout main
git log -1 --oneline  # should be the 8.1.2 merge commit
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger CI" 
git push upstream main

You are probably on a different branch and you made the change on that branch.

git push upstream HEAD:main should fix this

git push upstream HEAD:main should fix this

It looks like that did it. Thanks!