(Enterprise) Gist: GitHub returned error 401: Bad credentials
Closed this issue · 3 comments
roboslone commented
My settings are:
"token": "***",
"enterprise": true,
"url": "https://github.***.ru",
Every time I try to create gist I get "Gist: GitHub returned error 401: Bad credentials" . Changing url to "https://api.github.***.ru" doesn't solve the problem. Token is okay, I checked it with simple curl request to API.
johnhunter commented
Same issue.
When calling open gist
on GitHub Enterprise Version 11.10.347
I get the following error in the console:
error: Gist: GitHub returned error 401: Bad credentials
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gist in **\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Gist.sublime-package", line 37, in _fn
File "gist in **\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Gist.sublime-package", line 327, in run
File "helpers in **\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Gist.sublime-package", line 67, in gists_filter
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
error: Gist: unknown error (please, report a bug!)
jonbrenner commented
That's because the plugin continues to make requests to https://api.github.com/gists, despite the configuration. I'm going to fork it and figure it out. I'll submit a pull request for @condemil after it's done.
chrisfowler commented
Did this ever get solved? Am having the issue with similar enterprise setting as RoboSloNE listed.