[FEATURE]: Task progress metadata from client to server.
aradu-atlassian opened this issue · 0 comments
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Describe the Feature Request
I would like to add support for a progress percentage, and a progress message to be propagated from conductor client to conductor server when the extension of the lease process happens. We've successfully done this internally by adding a parameter that can be allowlisted for propagation on the update call, but would like to make this as part of the core functionality (Our existing solution requires us to override the WorkflowExecutor and a series of methods and we'd like to avoid this).
This value is used by us to show how far the task is estimated to be, which is especially useful for longer lived tasks. The message is used to report back to end users.
Describe Preferred Solution
Update TaskResult to add new optional proto fields for task prorgess percent, and task progress message.
Update the WorkflowExecutor.extendLease to propagate the progress percent and messages when persisting the lease extension.
Describe Alternatives
An alternative to this, would be to just start propagating all of the outputs provided in TaskResult on lease extension.