Undefined class constant
Closed this issue · 7 comments
php 7.3.0
Undefined class constant 'ucfirst' (View: /var/www/.../resources/views/welcome.blade.php)
Contents of welcome.blade:
{{'foo' | ucfirst}}
The only way I could reproduce this issue is not having the package.
Also, – it's just a thought – try it without any space, because in some cases, the editors put different "spaces" between {{ }} characters. Maybe that's the issue.
I just tried with various goofy amounts of spacing and it seems to work fine?
I close this due to inactivity.
Same error
laravel/framework v5.6.39 The Laravel Framework.
thepinecode/blade-filters v0.3.2 Use filters easily in your blade templates.
Tried with many variants of spaces, tried cache clearing. Nothing helps.
Compiled php looks like:
<?php echo e($somestring|slug); ?>
@indapublic Can you send what do you have in your blade template?
@iamgergo Thanks for reply. Will send in Monday
@iamgergo Missed limitations section. Raw echo type was used. Works with regular