
model overfiting

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Hello, when i train the model, after 35 epochs, the valid loss curve is as follows:

Screenshot from 2021-06-03 10-10-50

Can you give me some tips ?

What datasets and loss functions did you use? There is also UCFRep dataset.


Used Countix Dataset:

train dataset: trainvids
valid dataset: valvids
test dataset: testvids


SmoothL1Loss for period length

BCEWithLogitsLoss for periodicity

Given limited data, the model is bound to overfit. Use other datasets, the SyntheticDataset class implements the technique mentioned in the paper. There are some videos from kinetics dataset in the synthvid directory. I wrote the class so that it can take large single files as well, so you can put in any random long video files into it as well. Also compare the metrics (OBO and MAE) that you get with those of the paper. They are better indicator of model performance than absolute loss values.