

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Confluent Cloud has a maximum message size of 8388608 so the default value for confluent.metrics.topic.max.message.bytes of 10485760 causes a C3 infinite reboot loop:

(io.confluent.controlcenter.KafkaHelper)Feb 6 05:31:21 control-center-mcg4 control-center-start: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.PolicyViolationException: Config property 'max.message.bytes' with value '10485760' exceeded max limit of 8388608.Feb 6 05:31:21 control-center-mcg4 control-center-start: [2019-02-06 05:31:21,236] ERROR [main] Startup failed to create necessary topics (io.confluent.controlcenter.KafkaHelper)Feb 6 05:31:21 control-center-mcg4 control-center-start: [2019-02-06 05:31:21,237] INFO [main] Shutting down Kafka Streams

Please add this line to
/etc/confluent/confluent-5.1.0/etc/confluent-control-center/ :


Fixed. Thanks for providing the suggestion ;)