
Can you capture a trace under TTTracer?

oldnewthing opened this issue · 2 comments

TTTracer theprogram.exe (from an elevated command prompt). This will generate some trace files (theprogram01.out


I'm sorry. I completely missed this. I'll try to get a capture in the next few days. In the meanwhile I have an old log from a capture I made at the time with the following TTD-breakpoints:

bu combase!wil::details::in1diag3::_FailFast_Unexpected;
bm combase!CGIPTable::RegisterInterfaceInGlobal "!ttdext.position; ~.; kL; r @$t0 = poi(@esp+10); bp /1 @$ra \".printf \\\"[XXX] Register: %0#10x\\\\n\\\", poi(@$t0); gc;\"; gc;";
bm combase!CGIPTable::RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal "!ttdext.position; ~.; kL; .printf \"[XXX] Revoke: %0#10x\\n\", poi(@esp+8); gc;"

Maybe the stack traces of the correct and incorrect revocations will tell you something while I get the trace.


@oldnewthing, trace available at the ttd/trace1 branch.