Accepting @-symbols
PatrickHeneise opened this issue · 4 comments
PatrickHeneise commented
I'm trying to use conform data in a markdown front matter.
@context: ""
@type: "Social event"
@type: "Place"
@type: "PostalAddress"
addressLocality: "Barcelona, Spain"
postalCode: "08001"
streetAddress: "C/ Fontanella 2"
name: "Mobile World Centre"
the @-signs are breaking with found character @ that cannot start any token
. There's nothing in YML 1.2 spec that doesn't allow @ characters. Any chance to get this working?
connec commented
Unfortunately this is a YAML 1.1 parser, which disallows indicators as the first character of plain scalars.
I'm not sure what would be involved in updating the library to YAML 1.2, I'll try and investigate soon.
connec commented
Actually, it looks like YAML 1.2 has the same restriction...
connec commented
You can of course make that document compliant by surrounding the @
keys with quotes:
"@context": ""
"@type": "Social event"
"@type": "Place"
"@type": "PostalAddress"
addressLocality: "Barcelona, Spain"
postalCode: "08001"
streetAddress: "C/ Fontanella 2"
name: "Mobile World Centre"
PatrickHeneise commented