
MK_RMCentrality doesn't works with raster files

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Hello, I have tried use the MK_RMCentrality with raster data and it is not working. Below I show a test and error message.

  1. What is the raster format used in Makurhini (raster or terra package)?
  2. Is there another function to get the clusters based on distance thresholds?
# raster_vegetation_patches object from the package
centrality_test_r <- MK_RMCentrality(nodes = raster_vegetation_patches,
                                   distance = list(type = "centroid"),
                                   distance_thresholds = c(100, 100000),
                                   probability = 0.05,
                                   write = NULL)
# message: Error in .local(x, ...) : invalid layer names

# the same with vector data works fine
centrality_test_v <- MK_RMCentrality(nodes = vegetation_patches,
                                   distance = list(type = "centroid"),
                                   distance_thresholds = c(100, 100000),
                                   probability = 0.05,
                                   write = NULL)