
Theme fails to build styles

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've tried to clone and build this theme with no luck. Any ideas?

    status: 1
    file: node_modules/mappy-breakpoints/_mappy-breakpoints.scss
    line: 42
    column: 5
    formatted: Error:  does not contain tablet
        on line 42 of node_modules/mappy-breakpoints/_mappy-breakpoints.scss, in mixin `mappy-query`
        from line 35 of _scss/core/_metabar.scss
        from line 45 of _scss/styles.scss
>>     @error "#{$mappy-queries} does not contain #{$query}";

No clue. The tablet value is defined in the core/_layout.scss file which is imported before the core/_metabar.scss file, so it should be available.

Have you made any changes to the code?

No that's happening on a fresh clone of the repo. Do you have recommended versions of node and ruby to run this on? I had issues getting this far with ruby. I solved that by deleting the Gemfile.lock file and running the bundle install command.

@slimeygecko I've not used this theme in over 2 years so I don't remember what version I used. I suspect they would be out of date by now anyway. As the readme states:

⚠️ This theme should work as-is, but is no longer actively maintained. Contributions are welcome!

Sorry I can't help more!

That's ok, if I get it working, I'll open a pull request.