LZW decompression implementation

12 fixed width implementation of lzw decompression, sources used to develop this were from Sources: http://www.stringology.org/DataCompression/lzw-d/index_en.html and stackexchange.


>> gcc -o demoDecompLzw decompress.c lzw.c


demoDecompLzw input_file output_file

>> ./demoDecompLzw compressedfile1.z output.txt

Further Work

  • Implement custom memory pools, to reduce malloc calls.
  • Use a output buffer for the file writes.
  • After reading "Clean Code" by Robert Martin, a variety of things should be implemented to improve the code such as:
    • Replace magic numbers with constants or variable names.
    • Refactor the files into smaller, more module, Single responsibility modules.