Handcalcs Doesn't Seem to Render in Google Colaboratory
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I noticed this issue only on Google Colaboratory (Colab).
Handcalcs stops at Latex and doesn't display the rendered text from Latex when used in Google Colab.
The reason it doesn't work ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Pg-Drj2HU
Thanks for posting that video. I will investigate this further. The %%render cell magic gets installed when handcalcs is installed. If Google Colab had a hard-coded list (internally) of cell magics it allows (and actively blocks any others), then that might be the reason it does not work. However, if it displays the Latex string (but does not render it), then it likely has to do with the MathJax or Katex environment in colab.
Thanks. If you could get the exact latex string, it should be possible to display it in colab with another package